Kettlebell training changed my body and my own life. When I became a trainer and coach in 2014, I knew that kettlebells would play a large part in how I trained my clients and classes. Every single one of my clients, and my Bootcamp attendees have have worked with kettlebells. Several of my clients have “caught the bug” the same way I did when I first picked up the bells

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, and they enjoy them so much that they want to work out almost exclusively with them!

After years of working with them, and training

, I decided to take my kettlebell knowledge to the next level and attend the day-long training and certification test with Dragon Door, called Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification, or “HKC” in the fitness world.

Dragon Door, the organization that trains and administers the kettlebell certification tests and requirements, is the original leader in the kettlebell game, certifying the best instructors in their tiered system. The HKC is the entry-level cert, but that doesn’t mean it is easy!

The day started EARLY and very cold. I drove to Alexandria, Virginia in sub-freezing temperatures to start a FULL day of training with this large group.


That’s me in the top left – conveniently located next to the HKC logo πŸ™‚

There are several HKC trainings around the country at various times throughout the year, and I lucked out because this one was 1) CLOSE to my home and 2) TAUGHT by the “Kettlebell Goddess” Andrea DuCane (this is the name of her DVD on kettlebell training!) Andrea’s training style was clear and direct

, and chocked full of information. Kettlebells and strength training are her specialties, and she also has a background in Stott Pilates and working with special populations. I knew this would be a perfect fit!

Sink or SWIM – Sink or PLANK: The day started off at 8 am with the official HKC entrance test: the ONE-minute hardstyle forearm plank. This was a requirement to continue the day. A strong plank to warm you up from the inside out!

The group was largely personal trainers and group fitness instructors. Some people (like me) had 2+ years of experience working and training with bells

, while others had never touched a bell until that day.

The “lecture” started right away. And soon after, the movements, the teaching, the coaching, and the practice. I immediately connected with some friendly faces (and they ended up being Marylanders too – good note for future trainings with other HKCs!) and we coached each other in movements

, practiced … and practiced… and practiced. Master Kettlebell trainers walked the room giving tips

, advise, assists, modifications, etc.

We broke down the three (well

, technically FOUR) kettlebell movements that we would be tested and judged on later in the day: THE TWO-HANDED SWING (which builds off of the DEADLIFT), the TURKISH GET UP, and the GOBLET SQUAT. We did a number of mobility drills, activations, progressions and isolations inside of each of these movements. And we talked in depth about what makes the HARDSTYLE method so powerful and efficient (hint: breath and movement! full joint stabilization and activation!)

And activation is RIGHT. We worked it hard. ALL DAY from 8am to 6:30pm (we ran quite late since the group was so big…). Hundreds of swings, carries, squats, and ALL of the movements that string together the complex and elegant Turkish Get Up.

And finally the BIG TEST: The three movements that you practiced all day long done to perfection for a set number of reps in front of a panel. ALSO

, a coaching session where you teach one of these movements to a partner using the proper cues for optimal kettlebell lifting.

My test was a success. I had been training for months, and even with an injured left shoulder (that I have been rehabbing for the last three months) everything was SPLENDID. So much so, in fact, that one of the judges/Master Kettlebell trainers called me a “graceful beast” as I performed my last Goblet Squat rep.

I felt strong and powerful. I felt graceful, and maybe a bit beastly πŸ™‚

And as I received my certificate, all three of the judges said they wanted to see me back for the next level cert: the RKC. That was a great boost of confidence. I feel like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing!

MISSION ACCEPTED! Let’s start training!


…and what does this mean to you? Β It means that you can TRUST that my methods and training style are safe AND effective. My cues will help you understand the optimal way for you to pull, push, lunge, and squat with the load of a kettlebell. It means that you are in good hands!